
Hi, I'm Andrew (aka radi8). I'm a software developer, musician (trumpet), and artist. I'm building SparkShell, an online development platform for builders, and a silly website called ToastyRoast (~2000 users!). I've been coding since I was 8, and SparkShell is my longest project I've been continuing to work on (~2 years!).



An online development platform for builders of all ages. Easily create website with ease by adding libraries, sharing with custom personal subdomains, or read guides to learn. Coming soon!


A bridge between computers and Playdate console that allows games/apps to make arbitrary HTTP(S) requests to this internet! Written in Golang for the computer, and Lua for the client on the Playdate console.


A tool to control the built-in keyboard backlight on the Framework Laptop 13 via ectool. It allows you to easily control the strength of the lights using a CLI tool to set brightnesses and effects.


A tool to warm your hand using heat made from your computer's CPU or mobile device! Available in a cross-platform app on Linux, Window, Android, and more.