An online development platform for builders of all ages. Easily create website with ease by adding libraries, sharing with custom personal subdomains, or read guides to learn. Coming soon!
Hi, I'm Andrew (aka radi8). I'm a software developer, musician (trumpet), and artist. I'm building SparkShell, an online development platform for builders, and a silly website called ToastyRoast (~2000 users!). I've been coding since I was 8, and SparkShell is my longest project I've been continuing to work on (~2 years!).
An online development platform for builders of all ages. Easily create website with ease by adding libraries, sharing with custom personal subdomains, or read guides to learn. Coming soon!
A bridge between computers and Playdate console that allows games/apps to make arbitrary HTTP(S) requests to this internet! Written in Golang for the computer, and Lua for the client on the Playdate console.
A tool to control the built-in keyboard backlight on the Framework Laptop 13 via ectool. It allows you to easily control the strength of the lights using a CLI tool to set brightnesses and effects.
A tool to warm your hand using heat made from your computer's CPU or mobile device! Available in a cross-platform app on Linux, Window, Android, and more.